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Emergency dental care
If you have toothache, a broken tooth that is causing you discomfort or have damaged your mouth in an accident, please give us a call on 01202 871488. If you call early in the morning we will try and arrange an emergency dental appointment for you for the same day.
As we work on an appointment system, all emergencies have to be fitted in between or after the existing appointments. We will try our best to minimise waiting time for emergency patients, but we respectfully ask patients to be aware that in some cases there may be an unavoidable delay.
Outside of practice hours patients may ring the usual practice number 01202 871488. The recorded message will then advise you how to contact the Envisage Dental Ferndown team.
Whilst waiting for your appointment you may want to try the following steps to help you manage any dental emergencies:
- If you are in pain, use an over the counter pain reliever such as paracetamol (unless advised not to by your GP)
- Rinse your mouth out with warm water
- Apply pressure on any bleeding areas using gauze or a wet teabag
- Apply an icepack to your cheek if there’s any swelling
- If you have access to it, cover any major cracks with temporary dental cement
- Cover any broken teeth with milk, saliva or saline solution
Whilst the above steps may help you manage any dental discomfort, it's still important to see a dentist ASAP in order to address the underlying issue and prevent further deterioration.
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The biggest complement we receive is when our patients refer their friends and family to Envisage Dental Ferndown. In fact, we have built much of our practice on these valued, trusted recommendations over the years. Read our reviews to hear why our patients are recommending us…